Clean Energy Initiatives Ltd. (CEIL) is a Registered Company specialized in the construction of industrial and commercial projects in Bangladesh. CEIL specializes in Commercial and Industrial Construction and Power Engineering. The Company also has specialized division for Management and Financial Consultancy Services.

CEIL is highly committed to the preservation and protection of the Environment. The Company promotes energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy as well as energy efficient green industrial development sector in Bangladesh. Therefore, every project we take is well thought from Energy Efficient Environment Friendliness (EEEF) perspective from planning stage. The company plans to work in line with the government towards achieving social, financial and environmental goal in the relevant sector.


Clean Energy Initiatives Ltd. (CEIL) envisions a green, clean, breathable habitat where sustainable environment will thrive with adaption and integration of state-of-the-art technology


Clean Energy Initiatives Ltd. (CEIL) aims to ensure preservation of environmental values through use of modern green supported technology in all its Projects. Our mission is to provide the best technology solutions to various environmental problems including Industrial Consturction, Energy Efficiency Development, Automated Brick and Block manufacturing technology, Industrial Waste Management, ETP for commercial and industrial entities among many others.


  • To introduce Energy Efficient Environment Friendly Technology in any existing or new industry
  • To introduce New Green Technology in the sector of Alternative Energy.
  • To develop various Environment Preservation Solutions.
  • To help different industries to adopt Environment Supported Technologies.

our awesome team

Tahseen Haroon

Managing Director

Sectoral experience of around 20 years in different field of business including alternative and renewable energy, energy efficiency, industrial palnning and management

Dr. Ghassan Dinawi


Extensive experience of 35+ years in different field of business and International Organization such as the UNIDO and UNADO including alternative and renewable energy

Md Mahbubul Alam


Sectoral experience of around 20 years in different field of business including alternative and renewable energy, energy efficiency, industrial palnning and management

Tanvir Adnan


Sectoral experience of around 20 years in different field of business including alternative and renewable energy, energy efficiency, industrial palnning and management